Sexy Mandarin ❝ 2013年09月12日 / Fengzi
这个是 Lesson 1,全部在这里:
Swing It Bob! Feat. Bob Tutupoly ❝ 2013年09月11日 / Minnie
# Hello Dear! What can I do for you?
Will you go and swing along tonight?
Just take a step and they'll do the rest
Just let it flow.. and you will glow
Just like the moonbeam up in the sky tonight #
Never mind.. troubles that may have come
Just go along with the tunes the band are playing
But let’s go and dance!
Let's do tango or a mambo jumbo I don’t care!
2 Dollar Shoes ❝ 2013年09月10日 / Minnie
i'll leave you notes in the morning
and get you ready for your day
kiss your lips before you leave me
make you see my love for you will never change
吞噬 ❝ 2013年09月09日 / Fengzi
德国人Tobias Szabo从纽伦堡高等专业学院媒体设计专业的毕业作品。短片片名为拉丁文“吞噬”(Vorare),主角是一群机械昆虫,短短的三分多钟具有警世味道,画面富有水彩和线条感,深沉而不失伶俐,风格独具创新。