Good Morning ❝ 2013年04月25日 / Minnie
Good Morning We've talked the whole night through
Good Morning to you
It's great to stay up late
When the band began to play the stars were shinging bright
Now the milkman's on his way and it's too late to say good night
归园田居 ❝ 2013年04月21日 / Minnie
再翻一座山渡过一条河 就是外公外婆的村落
喝一口泉水唱一支老歌 看那袅袅炊烟舞婆娑
采一朵野菊插在你酒窝 酿出牛郎织女的传说
吹一首牧笛暖在你心窝 看那斜阳笑山坡
南方的风 ❝ 2013年04月20日 / Minnie
[hermit auto="1" loop="0" unexpand="0"]songlist#:379829[/hermit]
还有些话想说 却只能对你挥挥手
虽然心中不舍好多 都要留在那一刻