Shot In the Dark ❝ 2013年08月29日 / Minnie
Rising up slowly, we're getting higher
I've been living with a hole in my heart
Weighing down on me, but I'm a fighter
Darlin' I've still got a shot in the dark
Baby, we've still got a shot in the dark
Payphone ❝ 2013年08月28日 / Minnie
adam是抢匪在银行的内线卧底。在假装当了几个星期银行职员,却对同事女主角产生感情。黑帮帮规不准和抢劫对象有关的人发生关系,所以在抢劫当天坐立不安,之前adam也劝说过女主角别来上班,但女主角不答应(从00:47女主角的坚定步伐可以看出)。然后假装和女主装作无辜人员逃离现场。罪犯假装"枪击"Adam (几百枪2米距离一发没打中)成功逃跑后打电话给女主报平安!
Oah ❝ 2013年08月27日 / Minnie
I knew you years ago
What I want, I don’t know
But let’s just say it’s love
Singing Oah, I love you Moa
You’re way too young for me, but I don’t mind
Don’t say maybe, just be my lady
No need to hesitate, ’cause you’ll be fine
Harajuku Girls ❝ 2013年08月26日 / Minnie
I'm fascinated by the Japanese fashion scene
Just an American girl in the Tokyo streets
My boyfriend bought me a Hysteric Glamour shirt
They're hard to find in the States, got me feeling couture
What's that you got on
Is it Comme Des Garcons
A Vivienne Westwood can't go wrong
Mixed up with second-hand clothes
(Let's not forget about John Galliano, no)
Flip the landscape when Nigo made A Bathing Ape
I've got expensive taste (oh well)
Guess I'm better save up (cho takai)
Hand in My Pocket ❝ 2013年08月25日 / Minnie
im free but im focused
im green but im wise
im hard but im friendly baby
im sad but im laughing
im brave but im chicken shit
im sick but im pretty baby
Save Me ❝ 2013年08月24日 / Minnie
You can't save me
You can't change me
I'm waiting here for my wake up call
And everything's my fault
And you can't save me
You can't blame me
I'm waiting here to take the fall
Singing everything, everything's my fault