if ❝ 2013年10月04日 / Minnie
如果人生是場戲 請在我肩上哭泣
嚮往的時空也會降落 如果曾發生過的
那時空能被凍結 所有的疑問也將只會是同個疑問 如果你是領航的水手 但那艘船卻不在那兒
如果在愛與科學之間 有一段差異 你能否告訴我,一切是從哪兒開始的?
如果你是個孩子 我會帶你找歸宿
如果世上有種方法 能找到自己的靈魂 如果你是個騙子 我希望你知道 你並不孤單
Rockable ❝ 2013年10月03日 / Minnie
so everyday is a rockable day
Just For You ❝ 2013年10月02日 / Minnie
每年深秋 我总要说 Happy Birthday
祝福你 而这首歌 Just For You
这是为你写的歌 在我们不再是恋人的多年以后
我试著回忆已泛黄的你 什么原因叫我离你而去 往事却不复记忆
Mercy ❝ 2013年09月30日 / Minnie
You got me begging you for mercy
why wont you relase me
you got me begging you for mercy
why wont you release me
I said release me
Now you think that i
will be something on the side
but you got to understand
that i need a man
who can take my hand yes i do
Let Me Go ❝ 2013年09月29日 / Minnie
Are you listening so please just let me go
because you drive me insane
so please just hear what I say
I beg you Honey, won't you let me go.
You're sure I asked for a sweet surrender?
cause I think you are so tender
I'm a great pretender,
and of course Dear, you sure need it.
I sure know your biggest weakness
You'll accept my sweet politeness
and obey my words of kindness
I won't let you go,
Dream ❝ 2013年09月28日 / Minnie
I was a little girl
Alone in my little world
Who dreamed of a little home for me
I played pretend between the trees
And fed my houseguests bark and leaves
And laughed in my pretty bed of green
I had a dream
That I could fly from the highest swing