Don't You Forget ❝ 2013年10月11日 / Minnie
Mom's sick, she say she can’t get up~
My little brother is getting hungry~
I must go to the village and ask for some food, would you help me?
Sure Connie, I'll help you.~
I always feel good when you're with me~
You're my friend Connie~
Connie -Are you always gonna be there when I grow up, are you? ~
Cross my heart~
Knock On My Door ❝ 2013年10月10日 / Minnie
You can always cry on my shoulder.
You can always knock on my door.
I will always be here, whenever you come calling.
You don't have to hurt anymore
Happy Pills ❝ 2013年10月09日 / Minnie
Please just let me go now.
Please just let me go
Would you please just let me go now?
Please just let me go
我喜欢 ❝ 2013年10月08日 / Minnie
看蓝蓝的天空下绵绵的白雪 停在你脸上
爱在巴黎的赛纳河畔上面眺望 赶不上的玻璃船
却不觉得遗憾 早已沉醉在你暖暖的手掌
紧握住我不放 偷偷的闻着你
She ❝ 2013年10月07日 / Minnie
May be the face i can't forget
A trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price i have to pay
She may be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day.
一天一世 ❝ 2013年10月06日 / Minnie
起居习惯 都太仔细
画面渐交替 新闻仔细